"This is the Lord's doing and it is marvellous in our eyes." ~Elizabeth I

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I just need to know...

So many thoughts run through my head on a daily basis it's hard for me to keep up sometimes. One thing that I find my brain wondering to is life during centuries past. I'm obsessed with history, the Tudors, Marie Antoinette, the subjects of Jane Austen's books etc. It never fails once I begin a conversation about such things my husband loves to throw in the difficulties of those times, the diseases, the harsh work environments, the status of women...when he begins his rants I find myself slowly drifting into an episode of Seinfeld- "yada yada yada". I'm not oblivious I can imagine what life was like during those times, I've read books, articles, blogs, watched movies/television and my curiosity for more information is never satisfied. I always want to know more, how were things made, how did someone do this or that, things we take for granted like the ease of communication with others, transportation, medicine, I could go on and on. I thought I would list a couple of books that came in handy for quenching my thirst for knowledge.

The first is Early Modern Europe, 1450-1789 (Cambridge History of Europe) by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks. Yes this book is for college level courses and I did receive a lot of weird looks from others when they asked what college class I was taking when I responded with no college class I'm just reading it for fun. I found the book easy to read and it has a load of information for those that have the "I need to know" complex such as myself lol. This book is full of photographs which I love!

Another book I keep handy is Elizabeth's London by Liza Picard. Being the Tudor nut that I am I was so excited to discover this book at my local Barnes and Noble store. Before this book I wondered how roads and housing were made, clothing, food and so forth. It doesn't contain many pictures but its very good reading material.

I'm always on the lookout for material to feed my need to know complex

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